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On-site Community Event | Hilversum

Global Azure Netherlands Community

April 18, 2024

Global Azure Netherlands Community 2024

Thursday April 18th, Xebia is hosting the Global Azure Netherlands Community. Join us for this knowledge exchange with likeminded peers.


17:00 - 17:30 Doors open
17:30 - 18:30 Dinner
18:30 - 19:15 Session round 1
19:25 - 20:10 Session round 2
20:20 - 21:05 Session round 3
21:05 - 22:00 Drinks & networking

Speaker and session overview

Track 1  Track 2 Track 3
18:30 - Round 1
Wispering to OpenAI
Daniel Paulus

Microsoft Entra External ID: Easy Authentication From Your App to Your API
Anjuli Jhakry

Is Azure Managed Grafana and Prometheus The Way To Go?
Rik Groenewoud
19:25 - Round 2
.NET Aspire & Dapr - A Dreamteam?
Robin Konrad
Everything a .NET Developer Needs to Know About Configuration and Secret Management
Sander ten Brinke
Sustainable Software Engineering: Coding For a Greener Tomorrow
Danny van der Kraan
20:20 - Round 3
YARP - More Than Yet Another Reverse Proxy
Niels Stubbe
Opinionated Things You Might Not Know When Building Cloud Applications in .NET 8
Sjoerd van der Meer
Understanding Azure Virtual WAN and Lessons Learned
Patrick de Kruijf



Registration closed