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Assisting Millions of Active Users in Real-Time in Kcell (Telecom)


Data Streaming Platform for Telecomunication Company 

Nowadays many companies become data rich and intensive. They have millions of users generating billions of interactions and events per day. These massive streams of complex events can be processed and reacted upon to e.g. offer new products, next best actions, communicate to users or detect frauds, and quicker we can do it, the higher value we can generate.

View this presentation to learn:

  • How collaborative efforts resulted in a fast-paced creation of a Data Streaming Processing Platform
  • Discover how the system empowers instant reactions to marketing trends and fraud detection by analyzing millions of user behaviors in real-time.
  • Learn how the platform efficiently handles billions of messages and terabytes of data daily on a compact cluster.
  • Understand the seamless integration of Apache Flink, Apache NiFi, and Apache Kafka to maximize platform effectiveness.
  • Insights into overcoming obstacles encountered during development with innovative solutions.

This is the performance given by GetInData | Part of Xebia and Kcell during the Flink Forward Conference

Watch the presentation